Meet Hearts of Men

Bill Byrnes

Founder | Visionary
Facilitator | Guide

I connect leaders with themselves, each other, and the world around them through deepened presence, awareness, and vulnerability. My mission is to guide humans into personal empowerment and authenticity through intentional experiences of growth and transformation.

I experienced loneliness early in life, living with a single mother as an only child until my adolescent years. Throughout my childhood, I moved frequently, trying to fit in by being who I thought others wanted me to be, eventually abandoning my true self. This led to an early adulthood of escape, distraction, and addiction. I felt stuck in a technology sales career, addicted to the external validation and comfort it offered, yet I was completely disconnected from purpose. I lived in a constant state of dread and anxiety, often numbing myself and escaping these feelings with substance use, porn, gambling, and chasing peak experiences.

I began to own my healing journey by prioritizing personal development, working on myself to take conscious ownership of my life and face what I was running from. This lit a fire inside me, and I was motivated to direct my energy towards building a life of purpose. I launched my first company, GoodCinema, focused on community engagement and action through live film and discussion events. Closing this business two years later during the pandemic offered another opportunity for self-reflection and exploration, as I discovered my soul's calling - creating experiences of connection and transformation.

I now lead groups and individuals to reclaim their authenticity and show up in wholeness through awareness, reflection, and intention. This has become the essence of my facilitation style - cultivating brave spaces for vulnerability with grounded presence that invites people to feel more, open to the truth within, take ownership of their actions, and consciously create the lives of their dreams.

Beyond leading Hearts of Men groups and retreats, my work includes embodiment coaching, trauma-focused somatic therapy, ceremony facilitation, shamanic healing, and relational leadership training for executive teams. Learn more about me and my work at

  • "Hearts of Men has allowed me to let go of the baggage of the past and focus on my future. I have developed better self awareness and am honest with myself. I know where my blind spots are. I am developing deeper relationships and am having richer conversations. Hearts of Men provides the space for men to be themselves and be supported without judgement." - George Hays

  • "Bill Byrnes has been curating the right mix of entrepreneurs to talk, share, be vulnerable, and support each other as we look to become better men. Better partners, better husbands, better fathers, better leaders, better community members. This is the most impactful “therapy” that I’ve been through. Sharing with my peers versus a trained professional therapist allows me to open up more fully and truly listen, not only to my peers, but to myself as well." - Bryan Wachs